We are holding Teams meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 5pm – See below.
Thanet Diabetes Community Self Care Group
The Thanet Diabetes Community Self Care Group helps people manage their diabetes diagnosis, with a view to keeping it at bay.
We are a self-help group and welcome new members. Our meetings are very informal and we all talk about our experiences with diabetes and our own ways of trying to reverse the disease.
Managing diabetes means looking at how you live your life on a daily basis; diet, exercise, medication and treatment. This can be a daunting task, if you have no support.
Our group is made up of people living with diabetes or pre-diabetes who have already begun their journey to manage this illness. Perhaps we can help you……..perhaps you can help us?
We meet on a monthly basis bringing together our unique experiences, understanding and successes. This enables us to share new information and ideas which each of us can take away and try out. You might be doing things already which are working for you, which we could learn from. We have a large number of useful links. Please check them out and let us know of any web sites you would recommend to us.
We would love to hear from you, especially if you can tell us about your experience with diabetes and the problems you have had and how you solved them. We can publish them on our MyDiabetesExperience page, and if you would like to write us a review of a book or restaurant you have found helpful please look at our Review page.
We have a Facebook page – Please visit.
If you would like to join us, or simply come along and meet us to find out more, please contact: info@diabetesthanet.uk
Please follow us on our twitter feed @DiabetesThanet
Many of our video presentations are on YouTube and there is a list of video and Powerpoint presentations here
Please send comments on the website to info@diabetesthanet.uk